Do you Love Free?
Do you Love Amanda Marie Photography?
Do you Love Fun?
Do you have Friends and Family?
WooooHoooo Kick up your heels!!!
Introducing the Amanda Marie Referral Program!
I have the best clients who are always sending new faces my way. I am ever so thankful for that. If not for the fabulous folks i get to spend my creative time with i would not be able to do what i love.
I have decided to share my thanks with you by offering the Referral Program. Its Easy!
Refer 4 friends or family members to Amanda Marie Photography of Charlotte Michigan and you get a FREE session!! Yup its that easy! Be sure to tell your friends and family to tell me who sent them!!!
The fine print: All 4 sessions must be completed before credit will be given. Not applicable towards weddings or births. No Cash Value. All parties must have fun. Now go rant and rave, share the love! Post about it, tweet about it and just general gush about it!