Saturday, February 26, 2011

Referral Program = Free Session YAY! | Michigan Family Photographer, Michigan Child Photographer, Michigan baby Photographer, Michigan Newborn Photographer

Do you Love Free? 

Do you Love Amanda Marie Photography?

Do you Love Fun?

Do you have Friends and Family?

WooooHoooo Kick up your heels!!!

Introducing the Amanda Marie Referral Program!

I have the best clients who are always sending new faces my way. I am ever so thankful for that. If not for the fabulous folks i get to spend my creative time with i would not be able to do what i love. 

I have decided to share my thanks with you by offering the Referral Program. Its Easy!

Refer 4 friends or family members to Amanda Marie Photography of Charlotte Michigan and you get a FREE session!! Yup its that easy! Be sure to tell your friends and family to tell me who sent them!!!

The fine print: All 4 sessions must be completed before credit will be given. Not applicable towards weddings or births. No Cash Value. All parties must have fun. Now go rant and rave, share the love! Post about it, tweet about it and just general gush about it!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cruz | 15 Days | Charlotte Michigan Newborn Photographer

We had been waiting for this little guy through his Mama's whole pregnancy almost. From the day she told me she wanted us to photograph him my wheels were turning. I think when its a good friend you tend to feel more comfortable thinking outside of the box. I began planning fun little props and ideas for him. We usually say that between 6-10 days old is when we like to photograph newborns. He was a little older than that and shockingly he was such an easy going dude. Never really put up much of a fuss. He was a super star! And we could not be happier with the images we got.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

5 Hard Lessons for a Photographer | Charlotte Michigan Photographer

The journey to become a photographer for me was not a smooth process. I didn't wake up all knowing about the mechanics of a camera. I spent countless nights sick to my stomach and in tears over bad photos. Frustrations over just not "getting it". It was a long  LONG journey and still is. I would never trade any of those lessons, but some were so beyond painful. With each i learned something to do or not do. I wanted to share a couple with you and maybe just maybe you may learn from a few of my lessons.

1. White balance. Oh you little devil you. Master white balance, you will fall in love with your photos. Once i figured this out my life and photos took a turn for awesome.

2. SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT! I get emails all the time about how i achieve my photos. I am not sure if i could even teach it. I learned from shooting A LOT. In the past u would read a million tutorials but never shoot. I would buy a ton of actions, yet never shoot. You HAVE to shoot to learn.

3. ALWAYS ALWAYS know where your equipment is at all times. SLOW down. Pay attention. Here is a great reason why. See below.

Yep this is a 50mm 1.4...Well it was

This is the result of being way overly excited and not paying attention to where my equipment was. I was so excited about doing some night shooting. While loading my tripod in the car i set my camera bag down. We were on the side of the road. I shut the door and jumped in the car speeding off to our other destination. I realized down the road that i did not have my camera bag. When we went back this is what i found. It was scattered across the road. I cried. A LOT. Thanks to such a great friend who started a facebook group, him and a ton more friends helped me replace it. I am so thankful for all of them to this day. LESSON LEARNED: Take care of your stuff. Respect your stuff. KNOW WHERE YOUR STUFF IS. Slow down.

4. Take time for your family. They are your support system. I was once told that no amount of success at work can make up for failure at home. It is so true. I missed the first year of my daughters life. I have horrible regret over that. I lived at my computer and on my phone.

                     This i my ever so awesome family whom i adore and would do anything for. Thanks to Michelle at Mariposa Photography for this great image she took just this past weekend. She rocks!

 5. BAAAAACK UP BACK UP!!!!! i am screaming this at you right now!!! Can you hear me? Well do it, do it now!!!
This here is an External Hard drive. Get two! Heck why not.

We all start somewhere. We all learn so much. Its our story. But making less mistakes from learning from other can make for a better story. I promise.