I have been schooling myself. I turned in to my readers this week my Blog Header. It is a work in progress. This next week i am focusing on the children's galleries. I figure if i just take it a week at a time i can have everything the way i want it. I am always learning and growing. And as all my clients know i like to keep them informed. Most have known me for ages. So they have seen my growth over the years. Most people probably would wait until everything was finished to even talk about it. I am human just like you. And i am here to tell you it is hard work running a business, blog, website and having a family at the same time. I am more than happy to share my progress, slow as it may be. This just shows to you all what i am up to. It was such a pleasure to spend a rainy morning not too long ago with these 3 beautiful children. They sure just solidified my love for what i do even more. This is what i want to be doing. This is my favorite form of photography. And this is what i was meant to do.
P.S. I finally figured out how to make my pictures bigger...It was completely worth the 3 hours it took :)
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