I have been so slow on the Blogging lately. I have been so crazy busy lately. Amanda Marie is really taking off lately so i have been trying to keep my nose to the grind. Lots of new products and some new changes coming. Time to really step away from the kind of student, kind of hobbyist into The For Real Photographer spot. I am scared.
So Amanda Marie won an award and i wanted to share it with you. Click
here and check out page 9. A small town award won but a big time smile on my face.
I am just so thankful for all my great clients who voted for me.
Life seems to have taken a hold of me lately and i am go go go. Its a double edge sword for me. I need to stay busy to sustain a house and life for my family, yet i am gone and working a lot. This is why you will be seeing lots of changes being made. All for the better of my clients and my family. I will post all the fun new things soon.
With all of us being so busy...I think we forget to laugh. We forget to hug and say i love you. We forget to say thank you and show appreciation. I hope the photo below can help you laugh. It cracked me up. I give you permission to laugh. Just because.