So i gave Studio portraits a try. I rented myself a little space and invested in some equipment...I just did not feel the flame i feel when i am on location with kids and their families. My heart did not flutter as much. Not nearly as many gasps of "WOW that was an awesome shot"...I wont lie there were some moments like that...But i am addicted to those moments and that feeling. It just is not happening there.
So i move out of it on Thursday. A little sad but i just don't feel like that is where i am meant to be. If it means fewer shoots in the winter, then so be it. I would rather love it than just do it to get through.
Wedding season is upon us and my palms are sweaty...Excitement and nerves. This is my first "OFFICIAL" wedding season. I can't wait.
I will leave you with some recent shots....I hope you enjoy them.

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