Many things about life bring me joy. Waking up each day and thanking the lord that i actually woke up is on the top of my list. Life has been going and going lately and i have given myself permission to slow down and enjoy moments. Its the moments in between that i love to photograph. Yet i forget to enjoy MY moments in between.
Jer and i took off for an adventure last week. We had high hopes for the day. It didn't end up working out quite like we had hoped. It ended with me in tears that my favorite restaurant was closed and i was overly hungry (hence the tears). I am no fun to around when i am hungry. Ask jer. He will tell ya! So instead of sushi we had pizza.
BUT i did get to go to my favorite store and buy my baby girl her big girl bed. I did get to spend alone time with my husband. I knitted on the way. It was a good day. I of course took the camera along just in case hehe.

On our way!
"Hello favorite store"
Just hanging in a Bathtub
My Favorite Boots (In the bathtub)
My peace offering to the birds.
We cut down a tree and i felt bad. I hope they can use these scraps to rebuild.
I knit my first Newborn hat.
It didn't quite turn out right. So i thought.
Jeremiah loved it and so did his beloved snowman
"May the little things and unexpected moments bring you some smiles and perspective this next week" ~Me
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